We serve Christians around the world whose brave faith in Jesus means they are, beaten, threatened, imprisoned, tortured, falsely accused, disowned and hated.

North Korea

World Watch List ranking: 1

How many Christians?

400,000 (1.5% of the population)


Kim Jong-Un


North Korea is the most dangerous place in the world to be a Christian. The leadership are viewed as divine, so those following Jesus pose a real threat to their ruling status. Those suspected of following Jesus will be arrested and interrogated. Up to 70,000 Christians are living in horrific labour camps.


Could provide a young person from Central Asia with a Bible in their own language


Could provide trauma care for a victim of violent persecution


“Jesus wanted to be my Lord and Saviour – and I wanted to follow Him, in the same way my father had.”

Ji Ho, a secret believer from North Korea

NORTH KOREA: Quick facts

  • Christians are considered enemies of the state.
  • Up to 70,000 Christians are in prison camps.
  • The country has a three generations punishment rule, so if your faith is found out, your children, and their children, will also be punished.
  • Owning a bible will get your arrested.
  • If your Christian faith is discovered you will face arrest, disappearance, torture or public execution.
  • North Korea is the place where you’ll find more Bible’s hidden in the ground (literally buried) than anywhere else in the world.
  • There are an estimated 400,000 believers.
  • The church is growing. Amazing.

NORTH KOREA: The basics

Being discovered to be a Christian in North Korea is effectively a death sentence. Either believers will be deported to labour camps as political criminals – where they face a life of hard labour which few survive – or they are killed on the spot. The same fate awaits family members. There are believed to be tens of thousands of Christians held in labour camps across the country. 

It’s impossible for Christians to live freely in North Korea. Meeting for worship is extremely dangerous and must be done in utmost secrecy – and at grave risk. In May 2023, five members of a family were arrested as they gathered for prayer and Bible study. Christian literature was also confiscated. The group had reportedly been meeting on a weekly basis, and their arrest followed a tip-off by an informant.  

The horrific treatment of believers is driven by the authoritarian regime’s view that Christians are a particular threat to the country’s leadership and society. The ‘anti-reactionary thought law’ (enacted in December 2020) makes it amply clear that being a Christian or possessing a Bible is a serious crime and will be severely punished. The churches shown to visitors in Pyongyang serve mere propaganda purposes. 


Ji Ho’s story

Ji Ho* vividly remembers the moment she saw her father for the last time. North Korean security agents had ransacked their house – and dragged him away when they found his ‘secret book’ buried in the garden. “My father and I both sobbed,” she remembers. “In that moment, we knew we’d never see each other again.” 

At the time, Ji Ho didn’t realise her father was a Christian, or that the book was the Bible. To her, it was just a book of stories ‘about a wise man who sat on a mountain and began to teach’. But she did know about his hidden radio, and started listening to it in the hopes of finding a source of food. Instead, she heard stories about the man from the secret book: Jesus. 

“As I listened, I became more and more convinced,” she says. “This Jesus was the great teacher that my father had been trying to tell me about. Jesus wanted to be my Lord and Saviour – and I wanted to follow Him, in the same way my father had.” 

Ji Ho loves hearing the radio broadcasts, but knows she has to keep her faith secret from people she knows. “I know that it would be dangerous to tell anyone about Jesus,” says Ji Ho. “Our leaders don’t want us to worship anyone or anything besides them. I’ve realised that’s why my father was taken – they saw he had a Lord that was bigger than our country’s leaders.” 

Is life getting harder for Christians in North Korea?

North Korea’s ‘persecution score’ – based on detailed research by World Watch List experts – is slightly lower than last year, but it remains the hardest place in the world to follow Jesus. The past year has seen North Korea fortify its border with China, making it increasingly challenging for North Koreans to flee the country and for organisations to operate within the region. 

There has also been a growing shortage of food, with thousands at risk of starvation. Many fear a return of the famine of the 1990s. The crisis has been so severe that the authorities began a mobilisation campaign to get people farming – but many have avoided participation, because food isn’t provided.  

 However, even as believers experience their own shortage of food, people like Ji Ho have been selflessly helping others. “As I continued to learn more about Jesus, I also found that my life was changing in other ways,” says Ji Ho. “I was still hungry, but I started to share my food. I knew I could give up some of my food to my neighbours who didn’t have a garden. I hoped this might show them in some way that Jesus loved them.” 

Secret North Korean workers

Matthew* and Peter* are two Open Doors field workers who support North Korean secret Christians. In this rare interview, they talk about the dangers of their ministry and, of course, ask for our continuing prayers for Christians in the most hostile country in the world.


Through secret networks outside the country, Open Doors secret workers are helping around 100,000 North Korean believers by providing vital food and aid, shelter and discipleship training for North Korean refugees at safe houses in China, and training through radio broadcasting from outside the country.  


Lord Jesus, our hearts ache as we hear about the extreme dangers facing our family in North Korea. May each and every believer feel Your tender loving care, and be strengthened with Your power to persevere with the hope of Jesus firmly in their hearts. Provide precious moments for believers to meet, both in prisons and in secret gatherings, and give Christian parents wisdom and creativity to know how to share their faith safely with their children. Protect Your family, give them discernment when tough decisions must be made, and may their lives draw others to You. We also pray for Kim Jong-un – soften his heart and show him a better way to lead. Holy Spirit, have Your way in North Korea. Amen.


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